Centro Congressi UI

Un modello gestionale innovativo capace di rispondere ad ogni esigenza.

    The numbers of Centro Congressi UI

    Centro Congressi Unione Industriale Torino

    The Centro Congressi dell’Unione Industriale of Torino (Industrialists’ Association Conference Centre) consists of 4 conference halls hosting from 15 to 800 visitors, a press-room, a foyer, exhibition spaces and a set of 18th Century style halls called “Sale di Rappresentanza”, opening on to a gorgeous Italian style garden set in the heart of Turin centre, available according to the season.

    The Foyer, Pyramid Hall and Torino Hall are wide and continuous spaces with modular-shape solutions suitable for registration, hosting art exhibitions and catering services to achieve the best results which satisfy any organizer’s requirements.

    All the rooms are equipped with the best professional equipment and technical assistance to ensure the highest level in services.

    Approfondisci la nostra esperienza

    150.000 annual attendance

    350 hosted events

    180 speakers in cultural meetings

    800 total places

    3265 square meters

    27 years of activity and experience

    Social Life

    Ristorante del Centro

    Sapevi che oltre ai convegni disponiamo di sale di rappresentanza in cui organizzare pranzi o cene di lavoro?

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    il Centro Congressi

    is within the Unione Industriale di Torino, Via Vela, 17

    Come Raggiungerci
    web site by NET BULL